So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
- 1 Corinthians 10:31

Our Story


We are a multicultural, a multigenerational group of people from all walks of life united around the radical concept of “neighboring”. As neighbors, we do life together whether in person or online. We worship, serve, give and grow as we experience a transforming new awakening in loving God and modeling Christ to the world. The concept of “neighboring” has been a positive experience for our congregation. We believe in outreach and networking. “Church can happen anywhere”. It is ongoing 24/7. We have formed relationships with organizations that share our vision of affirming and uplifting the community.  We have operated a drive-thru food program for families with children. Neighbored with a nonprofit computer company and provided basic computer classes for the elderly to prevent depression and isolation during COVID. We offer an online career counseling program to expose students to non-traditional careers. We have sponsored youth summer camps in computer assembly, coding, art for animation and drama. We have recently begun a Community Youth Choir and Youth Fellowship Night.